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nato naval mine warfare centre of excellence

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The NATO NMW COE is a multinational, joint, military and civilian, MOU-based organisation with SPONSORING NATIONS and the FRAMEWORK NATIONS, Belgium and The Netherlands, represented by their respective Ministries of Defence. it is a NATO Military Body and granted international status under Article XIV of the Paris Protocol.

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Filip Clauwaert

CDR (BEL N) Filip Clauwaert

director NMW COE

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CDR (NLD N) Rutger van der Werff

chief of staff NMW COE

LtCDR (NLD N) Hans van IJzerloo

SME Concept Development & Experimentation

CDR (ITA N) Pietro Fadda

Branch Head
Doctrine and Standardization

CDR (DEU N) Stefan Pahl

Doctrine and Standardization

LT (BEL N) Steven Hast

Lessons Learned

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Out of 21 post in the COEs Manning, 9 are SUBJECT MATTERS EXPERTS  posts.

 The supporting staff consists of 4 posts dedicated to the NMW COE but dual hatted with functions within EGUERMIN and 8 posts for personnel supporting both EGUERMIN and the NMW COE


The SC is responsible for the direction, guidance and supervision of the NMW COE. It approves the POW and the operational budget, as well as supervises its execution.

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The SC consists of one voting representative from each Participant. The Chairman of SC is from the FN, but is neither identical with the representative of the FN as a Participant, nor is it with the Director. If invited by the SC, the Director attends the meeting of the SC. The Chairman and Director do not have a vote in the SC.

The decisions of the SC will be taken by consensus of the representatives. Consensus means that unanimity is required (vote or abstain).

The SC as a strategic governing body, is solely responsible for the approval and management of the Centres’ POW and shared budget. When considering the POW, the SC will give the first priority of the NATO NMW COE activities to the requests by NATO, taking into account the capabilities of the Centre and the available resources. The SC will then task the Director to manage execution of the POW and budget.

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The FN responsibilities include the provision of the following support to the NATO NMW COE:

  1. Infrastructure;
  2. Initial office equipment;
  3. Support personnel and equipment;
  4. The director of NATO NMW COE;
  5. The Chairman of the Steering Committee;
  6. Appropriate information and physical security arrangements;
  7. Initial Communication and Information Systems (CIS) capabilities;
  8. Emergency medical support to international staff based on the NATO NMW COE Operational MOU and any follow-on arrangements;
  9. The establishment of a bank account for the Centre’s shared budget;
  10. Subject to availability, use of the Wargame-simulator in accordance with the POW.

The SN responsibilities include:

  1. Providing at least one subject matter expert (SME) to the centre;
  2. Providing funds in accordance with the cost-sharing formula, detailed in the Operational MOU;
  3. Paying their own staff member’s wages, allowances and hotel/per diem costs.

The Director will be responsible solely to the SC for the execution of the Centres’ mission and tasks, management and administration of the NATO NMW COE, as it will be laid down in the Director’s Terms of Reference (TOR) in the Operational MOU.

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