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nato naval mine warfare centre of excellence

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  • Prepare COM SNMCMG1/2-desig and staff
  • Contribute to evaluation and certification of SNMCMG-staff
  • Participation in R&D / CD&E new NMW Planning & Evaluation Tool
  • Contribution to NATO MW Capability Roadmap
  • Research on simultanious use of legacy and future equipment
  • Research on use of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUV)

As part of our Programme of Work, the NMW COE produces a number of deliverables. Naturally, the vast majority is classified; however, some publications are approved for public release:

If you are a governmental or military official body, please upload your Request for Support through the SACT-Transnet Portal.

If you are another entity (like Academia, Industry, NGO, etc.) please send the filled Request for Support to nmw-coe@mil.be


Initiated by a Request for Support, usually from a NATO entity or a participating nation, the NMW COEcontributes to NATO Transformation by continuous Activities, such as participation in various working groups or supporting exercises, and by working on specific Projects related to our range of expertise. The latter have a clear end state and timeframe; this could for example be a research task, which is concluded by a final report.

In conjunction with its Activities and Projects, the NMW COE plans, hosts or participate in a number of Events such as conferences, symposia, and workshops.

The Steering Committee approves the annual Programme of Work detailing the Activities and Projects of NMW COE.

Our domains

Following the very ‘raison d’être’– the assistance in the transformational process of the Alliance and the Nations – a NATO COE is expected to support in least three of the following four work fields (the so called COE Pillars):

  • Concept Development and Experimentation;

NMW COE utilises exercises as a platform for experimentation and capability development. Such experiments and exercises ensure that the NWM COE provides valuable inputs through developed CP’s, submitted liaison reports and participation in panel discussions for the enhancement and development of new and/or already existing doctrine.

  • Doctrine Development and Standardisation;

One of the fundamental roles for COEs in support of NATO Transformation is contributing to Doctrine Development. This is an activity that remains continuous and ongoing. A product of particular importance is the contribution provided to “Change Proposals (CP)” for various NATO doctrinal publications.

Doctrine development is primarily driven by requirements identified in the NATO standardisation fora. The NMW COE is permanently participating in and frequently liaising between several bodies such as the

  • Maritime Operations Working Group (MAROPSWG);
  • Allied Joint Operations Doctrine Working Group (AJODWG) ;
  • Above Water Warfare Capability Group (AWWCG);
  • Under Water Warfare Capability Group (UWWCG);
  • Naval Mine Warfare Working Group (NMWWG);
  • •Joint Capability Group on Unmanned Aerial Systems (JCGUAS);
  • Counter Improvised Explosive Devices Working Group (C-IED WG)
  • Excercises, Education and Training;

Sound skills and knowledge are essential for forces and staffs to perform in any deployment or mission. Whilst the fundamental education and training provisions for each soldier remain under the responsibility of the nation, the Alliance requires further training for specific NATO competences.

The NMW COE can benefit from the longlasting experience and expertise of the NMW school EGUERMIN where it is co-located. EGUERMIN provides high- quality education and training in NMW for NATO and partner nations personnel. See for full details EGUERMIN.ORG

  • Analysis and Lessons Learned.

Experience tells us that failure and success are an inevitable part of day-to-day life. However through careful analysis we can identify the reasons (i.e. the root causes) and derive lessons in order to improve future performance – whether it be avoiding repetition of mistakes or benefiting from previous experience.

Undoubtedly this applies also for the military sphere. Lessons derived from operations and training, exercises, or experiments are a substantial basis for ensuring better performance in current and future endeavours only when they are actively exploited in order to remedy a problem and to implement the desired change for improvement.

Consequently the NMW COE is supporting the NATO Lessons Learned (LL) process and thus contributing to NATO’s transformational efforts in the maritime domain. The overall purpose of the NATO LL process is to contribute to the development of Doctrine, Organisation, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel, Facilities – Interoperability (DOTMLPF-I).

The NMW COE Lessons Learned activities are closely interlinked with the broad field of Education, Training, Exercises & Evaluation (ETEE). We collaborate with the NATO LL Community of Interest which includes entities from the NATO Command Structure, NATO Force Structure as well as national entities. We are also providing Subject Matter Expertise to derive lessons through analysing specified focus areas in exercises and operations.

Many observations gathered by our team from operations and during exercises directly feed back into our Projects and Activities. For instance, doctrine development is systematically validated by the conduct of respective trials at a very advanced level with an increasing complexity every year.