Annex C to the NMW COE Operational MOU

The NMW COE’s Director Terms of Reference


  1. The Director reports to and is tasked by the NMW COE SC;
  2. The Director is responsible for:
    1. Overall day-to-day management of the NMW COE;
    2. Exercising leadership (excluding disciplinary issues) inside the NMW COE with regard to personnel;
    3. Reporting to and informing the SC of all matters that need SC’s attention or when so requested by the SC;
    4. Ensuring the execution of the POW and implementation of the budget;
    5. Preparing and submitting the drafts of the budget and POW, as well as a medium-term financial plan for five following years to the SC;
    6. Submitting the Annual Financial Statement for the preceding fiscal year to the SC;
    7. Approving commitments only for the purpose and within the limits of the approved budget,
    8. Processing any requests for the POW from HQ SACT, the Participants and Partners;
    9. Forwarding additional out-of-cycle POW requests as well as the budgetary implications to the SC for consideration and approval;
    10. Performing the continuous coordination regarding the POW with HQ SACT, to include providing HQ SACT with reports;
    11. Forming working groups for efficient implementation of the POW and optimizing implementation of other tasks of the NMW COE;
    12. Ensuring internal security of the NMW COE as the Security Authority for the NMW COE as a NATO Military Body.
  3. The Director is granted authority to:
    1. Engage HQ SACT in the development and execution of the POW and establish, in coordination with HQ SACT, inter-relationships and bi-lateral functional arrangements with other NATO entities;
    2. Consult with NATO, national authorities and other relevant organisations to facilitate the accomplishment of his mission;
    3. Make recommendations to HQ SACT or – if requested – other NATO entities on Naval Mine Warfare related issues;
    4. In compliance with relevant SC guidance, conclude cooperation arrangements needed for the execution of the POW;
    5. Conclude contracts for the NMW COE on the basis of the approved budget and the FAP;
    6. Propose additional meetings of the SC;

Temporarily (not exceeding 180 calendar days) reassign personnel to another position within the NMW COE, provided that the SC has been notified and the concerned Participant representative in the SC has not objected to it.